
social welfare, art, interpreting major

This is one of three core class, and in this class, we learn about the system of social security


These are the contents for this page:

➀What is social security?  

➁From historical context, why do we need social security?  

➂When and how can we recieve it?

➃What is the difference between social security and insurance?

➄What are the challenges?

➅Is there any difference between other nations?

   ➀What is social security?  



 As I have mentioned previously, we learn social welfare to provide support who need help, based on the idea of social security(社会保障) and psychological approach


    In social security class, we focus on financial aid, and in Japan, there are four rolls, social insurance(社会保険), social welfare(社会福祉), public assistance(公的扶助) and healthcare and public health(医療・公衆衛生) in the social security system


    Social insurance(社会保険) is the system of peoviding financial aid that are based on insurance

    Examples are pension insurance and medical insurance

PENSION INSURANCE; You pay fixed amount of money each month when you get 20, and you recieve aid when you retired, became disabled, or your partner had passed away

*for more imformation, check "What do you learn at social welfare class?"

MEDICAL INSURANCE; You or your family pay fixed amount of money each month, and you get 70% discount when you get medical treatment 

*for more imformation, check "What do you learn at medical insurance class?"


Social welfare is based on 

〇the Right to Life (生存権25条),known as the right to live in physically and culturaly healthy with at least minimum standard of lifestyle

〇the Right to Pursue Hapiness (幸福追求権)


➁From historical context, 

why do we need social security?  


    It started in the UK, when disparity occured because of the industrial revolution

    As a result of conoducting research of the poors, social security was imprimented 


    There are many factors in your life cycle that disturbs your life, such as diseases, injury, caring, unemployment, retiring, unexpected things


    In such a situation, social security works as a social safety net and risk diversification 


    Furthermore, it fills the disparity by redistributing income

